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Категория "Страхование"Код вакансии: 602050
Вакансия: Tech lines underwriter
Компания: Western insurance company
Место работы: Moscow
* At least 3 years experience of writing TechLines business.
* Fluent English.
* Able to coach others.
* Able to lead, manage and motivate others.
* Good negotiation skills.
* Ability to manage, monitor and control UW results on a portfolio basis.
* Financial Goals:
1. to develop and implement business plan for TechLines portfolio.
2. To achieve financial goals and requirements set out in the business plan
* Portfolio Integrity.
1. To manage, develop and maintain underwriting integrity by ensuring effective communication throughout department to ensure responsiveness to changing business environment.
2. To ensure quality by following underwriting guidelines
* Product Development.
1. The continued identification, development and implementation of new products and services to improve client retention and new business acquisition
* Producer Management.
1. To manage and assist Country and Underwriting Manager in effective Producer Management.
2. To accompany Underwriting Manager on broker visits and participate in workshops
* Procedures.
1. To review, develop and implement procedures to maximise operational effectiveness for TechLines accounts.
* To conduct quarterly reviews of progress of override agreements.To lapse agreements where facility is not performing
* Specific Role responsibilities:
1. In charge for Wordings and Rules Principles Authority Level of Authority UW authority for domestic business to be decided via Lines Manager. To be increased over the year based on experience gathered