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Категория "Страхование"Код вакансии: 20.15
Вакансия: Group Sales Development Executive, A&H PC
Компания: Крупная Западная страховая компания
Место работы: Москва
· University degree;
· Positive experience of at least 2-3 years in B2B sales of services and at least 1 year in selling of insurance products;
· Excellent negotiating and presentation skills;
· To be able to work in a team, active, result-oriented, optimistic;
· Excellent personal/communicative (both written and oral) qualities/skills;
· Literate РС user
· Good potential for growth into managerial position
· achievement of main given budget benchmarks;
· increase of corporate customers’ servicing satisfaction;
· quality and accuracy of reporting
· to develop personal action plan for it to comply with the sales budget, monitoring of compliance;
· to establish new and continue the existing relations with top-customers in the whole range of Group PA and Business Travel insurance services;
· to hold meetings with customers for the purpose of concluding insurance agreements;
· to monitor payments under the existing insurance agreements;
· to interact with CSG, Claims and ISOS, when necessary;
· to prepare and provide in due time regular reporting and additional reporting upon the request of senior employees;
· development of A&H Group sales through brokers, agency;
· generation of cross-sales