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Категория "Банки и инвестиции"Код вакансии: 07.12579
Вакансия: Equity Derivatives Sales, VP
Компания: Leading Investment Bank
Место работы: Moscow
* Experience with convertible bonds, credit or derivatives product knowledge an advantage
* Excellent communication skills to interface with clients and market equity linked products internally
* Good presentations and communication skills
* Good organizational and time management skills
* The equity derivatives group structures, sells equity derivative products to local institutional and corporate clients.
* Products include swaps, options, warrants, equity derivatives and linked notes.
* Communications between company traders and client in equity hybrid products (including structure notes).
* Researching trading ideas.
* Assisting with the origination and distribution of hybrid product, structure products (PPN, RCN)
* Developing a knowledge of client needs and co-coordinating firm wide efforts to service client driven organization.
* Developing business relationships with key clients in equity derivatives (index futures/forwards, structure products and equity options.
* Advising clients on investment and hedging strategies and transaction opportunities in the equity linked space.