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Категория "Фармацевтика"Код вакансии: 11.935
Вакансия: Specialist in Pharmacoeconomics
Компания: Leading international pharmaceutical company
Место работы: г. Москва
* Higher pharmaceutical or medical education.
* Specialisation in the area of pharmacoeconomics: scientific work, dissertation, or relevant work experience of 2-3 years.
* Experience in preparing final analytical and reference reports.
* Good knowledge of English.
* Good computer skills.
* Having contacts with key specialists and experts in pharmacoecomics is a plus.
* The main functional priority is documents preparation for hospital reimbursement and standards of treatment.
* Create pharmacoeconomic evidence for product (pharmaceutical) promotion at the different level, first of all for reimbursement programs and standards of treatment in Russia and CIS.
* Tracking requirements on pharmacoeconomic data at national and regional level in Russia and CIS.
* Such a specialist should create / update documentation on each promoted priority product, with priority to reimbursed and tender products, as to the pharmacoeconomics. Such documentation support, and economics calculations and evidence should coinside with the marketing strategy of the product and promotion concept (targeting, positioning of the product, format of the pharmaeconomic argumentation).
* Pharmacoeconomical research / documentation creation should involve database work, literature work, and involvement and analysis of the clinical trials and marketing trials.
Заработная плата: от 60000 до 90000 рублей