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Категория "Банки и инвестиции"Код вакансии: 07.060
Вакансия: Associate, Investment Banking
Компания: Investment Bank
Место работы: Moscow
• Higher education in finance/economics/business/mathematics
• Minimum 2-3 years of corporate finance experience in an Investment Bank, Management Consulting or Big Four company
• High level of competency in financial mathematics, corporate finance and investment analysis
• Strong understanding of accounting standards – including differences between RAS and US GAAP/IAS
• Fluent English and Russian
• Excellent communication skills
• Ability to work long hours and meet deadlines
• High level of responsibility and accuracy
• Advanced PC User (Excel, Word, Power Point)
• Origination of business opportunities
• Build, manage and develop client relationship
• Deliver presentation and advice to clients
• Preparation of presentations and information memoranda
• Valuation of companies (DCF analysis, traded and acquisition comparable)
• Preparation of proposals
• Company and industry analysis
• Performance of financial due diligence process