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Категория "Электроника и бытовая техника"Код вакансии: 2212
Вакансия: Trade Marketing Manager
Компания: Foreign Company - producer of Home Appliance
Место работы: Moscow
higher education in marketing or economics;
min. 2 year experience in the well-known western FMCG company or leading BTL or advertising agency;
having clear experience and real results in the consumer promotion field;
ability to work in the team, very positive, dynamic, communicative, open mind, energetic;
ability to work hard and under the pressure;
- To organize and realize consumer promotion actions in Russia, Ukraine, Baltic States, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan. To become an expert in the technical realization of consumer promotions in the company’s distribution channels.
- To coordinate all the activity for organization of national consumer promotions. For different actions linked by the common concept, to prepare the brief for the agency explaining general idea of the actions and to ensure the execution of these actions in the same style and format
- To make a yearly and quarterly schedule of consumer actions on the base of product managers recommendations
- To participate as an expert from trade marketing in the process of preliminary selection of ideas for the consumer promotions (on the base of presentations from companies-providers).
- To plan the action and to co-ordinate with agency-provider all the activity concerning project preparation and accomplishment
- To co-ordinate the project with S&D department, to present projects to S&D team, to prepare the support material and to present projects to clients (up to the case)
- To co-ordinate all the activity inside marketing team (product managers, demonstrations, POSM production, coop advertising support) concerning actions execution.
- To collect and to treat preliminary actions results
- To execute the follow up of budget and goals achievement, to evaluate the results
- To prepare the final report on the action
- To monitor the activity of competitors in the consumer promo field
Other functions:
- Management of company Internet sites and special Internet projects
- PR
- Sponsorship
Компенсационный пакет: Negotiable - depend on candidates experience